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10 Reasons Why You Will Love Chef Jean-Claude’s #Homefresh Experience Coq Au Vin


IMG_9104Do you know 10 Reasons Why You Will Love Chef Jean Claude’s #Homefresh Experience Coq Au Vin?

You don’t YET, but you will! Laughing

As you know by now, I am a BIG fan of Brand Manager Stephen’s Homefresh Experience with the very charismatic international Chef Jean-Claude du Toulouse!

IMG_8886I passionately shared the Flavours of France Simply #French Homefresh Experience cooking class with Chef Jean-Claude’s Coq Au Vin!

I E-X-C-I-T-E-D-L-Y shared Chef Jean-Claude’s Middle Eastern #Food Journey, and most recently perked your curiosity with my #Homefresh Vegan, Vegetarian and Raw Food Lifestyle Dream; to name a few! Wink

Do you remember when I S-Q-U-E-A-L-E-D with delight when I recreated Chef Jean-Claude’s Magical Chocolate Soufflé in All You Need is #Souffle?
IMG_83261-1024x682Which brings me to today in sharing 10 Reasons Why You Will Love Chef Jean Claude’s #Homefresh Experience Coq Au Vin!

Did I mention the Coq Au Vin recipe is in his Legendary Cuisine Cookbook? Wink

Not only was I able to S-Q-U-E-A-L again Laughingthis week, but Chef Jean-Claude’s Coq Au Vin recipe was also devoured with love! Very Happy

I love it when a recipe’s instructions is so “simple and easy” to follow!

Chef Jean Claude’s Legendary Cookbook makes you “feel” that you CAN recreate his recipes too!
IMG_9096 Over the course of “many chats” with Chef Jean-Claude, I thought I would share 10 Reasons Why You Will Love Chef Jean Claude’s #Homefresh Experience Coq Au Vin.

I love the stories behind food and love food history….YOU?

1) What is Chef Jean-Claude’s earliest childhood food?
I “reveled” in listening (and now sharing Wink) Chef Jean-Claude stories about his family’s Roast French Chicken that was a Sunday tradition.

2) What is Chef Jean-Claude’s comfort food?
Chef Jean-Claude shared Middle Eastern soup is “very comforting”; is one of the reasons why he shared his Phoenician Feast Soup in Legendary Cuisine with a tribute to Princess Europe — a remarkable story! Very Happy

3) What was “an epic flop” of Chef Jean-Claude’s?

I can “assure” you this story made Chef Jean-Claude laugh and smile even after all of these years.

His mother with in hospital having given birth to his sibling and was about to return home when Chef Jean-Claude thought he would make a feast of potatoes and eggs (a potato casserole type dish) but the potatoes came out hard; he then decided to mash them.

By “some magic” (more like on a whim), breadcrumbs and eggs were fried to the mixture.

No matter what he could do (let me remind you he was only 8!!), nothing could fix this dish! Shocked

What did he do next?

He decided to “hide the evidence” by having the household dog “eat the evidence” but nothing he could do would make the dog eat his dish; the dog even know how bad it was!

At least we all can laugh with Chef Jean-Claude as I am sure we all have had “an epic flop”; I know I have! Laughing
IMG_91084) What is Chef Jean-Claude’s favorite dessert?

Without a skip of a heartbeat, Chef Jean-Claude excitedly exclaimed crème brûlée and yes, he thought he would share his special recipe in his Legendary Cuisine Cookbook!

Psst…..this is on the list for me to do! Wink

5) What is Chef Jean-Claude’s favorite dish his mum cooks?

Like in Middle Eastern Food Journey, the rice presented in a mountain as a tribute to the King and her upside down rice with the “blessing of the four corners” with her favorite spice as shared in #Homefresh Vegan, Vegetarian, Raw Food Lifestyle’s Dream.

“You didn’t share what the blessing of the four corners was and what Chef Jean Claude’s recipe was with his mum’s favorite spice?”, I “hear” you say.

I think you better ask Chef Jean-Claude’s mum for that recipe as you will not be getting the secret any time soon from me! Wink

Adelaidians will just HAVE to come and experience one of the many Flavors Of Cuisines cooking classes! Very Happy

6) What is Chef Jean-Claude’s favorite dish when entertaining?

Either my questions were very easy and the conversations between Chef Jean-Claude and myself “just flow”; once again he answered right away Nasi Goreng and is why he chose the dish for Adelaide’s Junior chefs to cook in Adelaide #Homefresh Experience Crowns 1st Junior Chef.
IMG_90971Are YOU enjoying the 10 Reasons Why You Will Love Chef Jean Claude’s #Homefresh Experience Coq Au Vin?

Are you also getting that it is not only about the Coq Au Vin but the stories behind the foods and the Homefresh Experience philosophy?? Wink

7) Why does Chef Jean-Claude LOVE the Homefresh Experience cooking classes?

Chef Jean-Claude loves teaching skills which will enable children to get excited and involved in home cooking; perhaps cooking better than their mums or dads! Laughing

Chef Jean-Claude LOVES the excitement and passion of his “little army angels loving him to bits” in the kitchen.

Chef Jean-Claude is dedicated and demonstrates his passion for helping “children of all ages” learn new skills and experience all cuisines.

8) When is Chef Jean-Claude’s next cookbook coming out?
On behalf of Chef Jean-Claude, I’ll share this secret with you! Wink

Chef Jean-Claude hopes by the end of the year the cookbook will be out and it will be aimed at children and also quinoa.

“How can a cookbook be aimed at children and quinoa?, I “hear” you ask?

Perhaps there is more than one cookbook in the pipeline….you did not hear me share that today; our secret…okay?LaughingWink

IMG_91039) Who “inspires” Chef Jean-Claude?

When you are “introduced” to Legendary Cuisine, you will find the book is dedicated to Chef Jean-Claude’s grandmother and the cookbook is all about tributes to extraordinary women who fought against injustice in some way.

The stories in Legendary Cuisine are “quite unique” in my opinion because (other than Chef Jean-Claude mum and grandmother), the women Chef Jean-Claude shares and pays tribute to via his recipes, the conversations are imaginary.

10) What is 1 thing people don’t know about Chef Jean-Claude but he would want people to know?

Chef Jean-Claude has a drive like no other person I know; his passion is driven to help others who are not as fortunate to be able to come and experience the Australia way of life, culture and cuisine.

While I LOVE (and cannot speak any more highly of) Chef Jean-Claude’s Coq Au Vin, I hope today you can “feel” my Homefresh Experience “passion and enthusiasm” in sharing these 10 Reasons Why You Will Love Chef Jean Claude’s #Homefresh Experience Coq Au Vin! Very HappyWink

Do you like Coq Au Vin?

Have you ever cooked French Food at home?

Which one or two of the ten reasons did you enjoy?

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All comments “on my blog please”, shares and pins MAKE MY DAY!

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