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Are Your Curious What’s In My Kitchen?


Manu-cookbookAre Your Curious What’s In My Kitchen?

I know I am again E-X-C-I-T-E-D in sharing what’s in my kitchen this month thanks to Celia from Fig Jam and Lime Cordial; Celia’s monthly In My Kitchen series.

You know it’s always a good day when a French man is in your kitchen cooking.

While I have met Manu, today he is not in my kitchen, but French for Everyone Manu Feidel was sent via Penguin Books Australia “as a courtesy”; review and recreation of one of Manu’s recipe’s coming soon!
ManuCake-mouldThis Crown Cake Mould “magically” appeared in my kitchen this month and will be perfect for me to be crowned Queen of my Kitchen when I complete my Disney Castle like shared in last month’s In My Kitchen #April 2014.
Disney-castleCardP-A-R-T-Y!!! P-A-R-T-Y!!!!

As you know, I only party in the days that end in “Y!”

As a recent new co-host to Curious About The Week’s #Tastytuesdays Recipes?, I thought these Party Bingo Cards would be fun to play with in my kitchen!

I WONDER when I YELL, “BINGO!!!”, will anyone hear me?
CandleI love candles and love “unique fragrance candles” especially!

This candle takes me back to my childhood in New York, where I have many fond “marshmallow roasting around the campfire” stories, but they will have to wait for another day!

For now, this Toasted Marshmallow candle aroma takes me back to childhood and yesteryear!

Bread-soup-bavarianSeeing the weather has been getting a “tad” chilli as winter is not too far away, I made this Bavarian Bread Soup recently for my International Food Challenge Bavarian Cuisine; a fun monthly worldwide challenge learning about all world cuisines and meeting new foodies along the way!

The secret is “official” out today!

I will be hosting my very first International Food Challenge North American Cuisine – California Region starting today!

Feel free to come over to the International Food Challenge group and play!

April “seemed” a tad “food chaotic” for me with the Easter holidays and Anzac holidays so close.

There were some AMAZING smells in my kitchen this month with these cardamom rolls!

Are You Curious How Versatile #Cardamom Is?
Cardamon-rollsBy now you know HOW much I love cooking and baking!

I recently saw this “recycled paper” cupcake and thought it would be cute in my kitchen this month.
CupcakeFor my readers who “might have noticed,” my Masterchef apron is in the background.

I have a VERY EXCITING Homefresh Experience event to share; local radio station Mix1023 will be hosting the cook-off launch for Masterchef 2014!

I can’t wait to share the event with all of you!
CookbooksI was excited when Everyday Raw Gourmet by Chef Matthew Kenney and Ancient Grains by Catherine Saxerby were sent courtesy of Arbon Publishing; recipes and posts coming soon!

Speaking about baking….I S-Q-U-E-A-L-E-D about these Star Wars cookie cutters that are in my kitchen this month!

I have recently teamed up with Neat2Eat who have sent these Star Wars cookie cutters as a courtesy.

I um, blush blush, remember waiting on line in New York for the preview at midnight of Star Wars and how much was the movies then?

99 cents!

Movie prices are A LOT more expensive than this!

How exciting to re-live the Star Wars series with these cookie cutters and my wonderful Star Wars childhood fun-filled adventures.
Starwars-cookie-cutter Darth-vader-cookie-cutterWas I Princess Leah?

Did I have a crush on Hans Solo?

Was Chewbacca our chaperone “in my dreams”?

What about Obi-Wan, R2-D2 and C3PO?

They were and are my “very much alive” and “imaginary friends!”

Look forward to my blog post and my very first giveaway!

Also, I AM excited about this Mickey Mouse cookie cutter which is in my kitchen this month!

The recipe calls for egg white powder; something which I have never used before and was not “readily available” locally, but conveniently located online within Australia at The Essential Ingredient.
Egg-powderDid you know the secret ingredient to “perfect macarons, meringues and souffles” is egg white powder?

MANY people have asked me where I have obtained the egg white powder and also about how healthy the ingredients are; more to come!

Have you ever heard of Pathiri?

I have experienced many different recipes for Pathiri, but I never made it at home and thought I would as I recently was the host of The Daring Kitchen‘s worldwide Cooks Challenge this month; what a busy month indeed!
Pathiri-savory Layered-crepe-pathiriI have also created this Mint, Zucchini and Sun Dried Tomato #Bread for Karen from Lavender and Lovage in issuing her herb challenge: this month being mint!
Bread-mintLastly, anyone who knows me, knows I LOVE South Australia red wines!

We are “a tad” spoiled as we live not far from a number of wine regions, but one of my favorite places to experience is The Barossa Valley!

I am hoping you will laugh “with me” with this indulgent, luxurious, elegant wine high heel that was dropped off by Vino Glamour; provided “graciously!”
Wine-shoeThe reason I mentioned about laughing “with me,” is I had seen a wide range of “single high heel luxury” shoes at The Campbelltown Moonlight Markets a while ago; I could figure out why there was “just one” of every design.

I always “wondered” HOW people could walk in such high heels!

It was only then that the owner explained they are actually “wine high heels” and wine is something I know all about!

Thanks Celia from Fig Jam and Lime Cordial for hosting this great monthly series!

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All comments “on my blog please”, shares and pins MAKE MY DAY!

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